Thursday, April 7, 2011

In the Bag

I'm talking snacks today.  In addition to the daily lunch I pack for Caleb, I have to come up with a snack that is portable enough for the playground and tempting enough that he will actually eat it.  Here are some of my favorites:

1.  Jonah Snack - Stauffer's Whales crackers and Cheerios for life preservers
2.  Heard it Through the Grapevine - "Scrabble" Cheez-its and raisins (my kids don't remember the California Raisins but I do so it's a little joke for me)
3. Smores - Teddy Grahams, Annie's Chocolate Bunnies and mini marshmallows
4.  Movie Munchie - a ziptop bag of popcorn with about 10 sour patch kids mixed in
5.  Gone Fishin' - thin pretzel sticks and Goldfish crackers
6. Tic Tac Toe - wheat thins and dried apricots
7.  Monkey Mix - banana chips and yogurt covered raisins
8.  Rice Krispie treats
9.  Circus Bag - animal crackers and fruit snacks
10.  Banana Man - I seriously get my sharpie and draw a funny face on a banana - he loves it.

There are some "junk" ingredients in the some of these; notably the sour patch kids and marshmallows.  The key is quantity.  If you use some fun items like those as a garnish on an otherwise healthy snack you get to put good whole grain nutrition in your kids body while still filling him up and finding the fun.  Caleb really doesn't ask me for Cheetos or Twinkies and I think it is because he looks forward to his special "snack mix".  Enjoy!!

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