Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Menu

He is Risen!!!

I love to celebrate Easter.  It is a joyful day in my life.  It is also a busy day.  Unlike Christmas where you have eight weeks to steep in the holiday message, Easter comes and goes in a flash.  Just a blur of new dresses and chocolate eggs.  I usually host a holiday meal at my home after church and if you do too you know what a strain it can be to get something special on the table after being out all morning.  Here is my super simple Easter lunch menu:

Glazed Ham - buy it high quality and fully cooked, heat it through and melt orange marmalade over it.  It's yummy at any temperature.

Green Beans with Almonds - rinse and tear off the ends of fresh green beans, boil in salted water until softened, drain and toss in hot pot with olive oil and slivered almonds.

Sliced Carrots - clean and slice into thin discs, boil in salted water until soft, drain and toss in hot pot with butter and salt and pepper.

Parsleyed New Potatoes - wash and boil whole in salted water until cooked through, drain and toss with butter, salt and fresh chopped parsley in hot pot.

Tea Biscuits - cut buttermilk biscuits out with two inch round and bake.  Top with melted butter and poppy seeds and pop back into oven for two minutes.

Lemon Squares - make night before and chill.  If scratch baking is not your thing I recommend the Krusteaz mix.

These six items on your table with white dishes and you have a pretty, colorful, quick and simple feast.  Enjoy!!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to Bloggityville USA!! Missed your posts!
